Thursday 8 July 2010


To: Subway
Subject: BMT

Dear Mr Subway,

I recently purchased a foot long BMT from one of your fine
establishments. This happens to be one of my favourites in your range,
and i make the effort to have at least one a day. However, on this
occasion, the BMT was not all the title suggests. It was Big. It was
Meaty. But it was NOT tasty.

Please recompense in a suitable manner.

Yours in Health,



Which store was your BMT from and why wasn't it tasty? Thank you and kind regards


Jaymie Peters On behalf of Suzanne Phillips
Customer Services Representative

To: Customerservice
Subject: RE: BMT

Dear Jaymie Peters ,

How are you? Thank you for your kind and prompt response to this delicate matter. As i said, the BMT was both big and meaty - attributes which i have come to expect from your fine range. However, nestled within this meatiness was a sub-par (pun intended) selection of salads. Indeed, i would go so far as to suggest the lettuce was limp and brown in its nature. I will not even discuss the tomato's, which i felt were a travesty to all things red.

When will i be receiving recompense? I wish to get back to using your store as frequently as i used to (at least once a day), but i feel i can not until this issue has in someway been resolved.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Hi Jerry,

To take this further I need to know which store you purchased the Sub from?

Thank you and kind regards

Jaymie Peters

Customer Services Representative

Dear Jaymie,

Thank you for yet another prompt response. I believe it was from a Wellington branch. I'm hungry. And i can't wait to resume eating at your fine establishments again.

Yours in anticipatory hunger,


Dear Mr. James,

Thanks so much for emailing us about the issues you've had in regards to the freshness of our vegetables. We do get fresh vegetables delivered 3 times a week so there shouldn't be any problems - however I will be discussing this with the franchisee who will in turn discuss it with her staff to ensure that the correct ordering is taking place and to ensure that customers get the freshest veg possible.

If you would kindly email me back with your postal address I will ensure the franchisee sends out a voucher for you so hopefully you'll be able to come back into our store for a BMT with fresh veg!

Thanks again for contacting us and if you have any other issues please don't hesitate in contacting me.


Sally Dickens
Development Manager
Subway Development

Dear Sally,

How are you? Thank you kindly for your prompt response. I am most impressed with your customer service.

You receive fresh veg three times a week? wow. Its with good reason that you are the number one sub shop in the town (at least in my mind).

My postal address is as follows:

1 Banbury Crescent,
Old Villa's,
CY8 7PG.

I will look forward to my sub, and will definately continue to use your most delightful of franchises.

Thank you in advance.

P.S please ensure you send a voucher and not an actual sub. A sub would not fit through my letter box. And i fear the lettuce would be lacking in freshness!!

Dear Mr. James,

Well it's not very often an email makes me giggle and yours did - your PS was very funny!!! I will ensure the franchisee sends out a voucher and not a Sub! Glad I could be of assistance and if you have any issues in the future please feel free to contact me.

Sally Dickens
Development Manager
Subway Development

Hello again Sally!

How are you? I hope you are still well.

It appears your wellington staff are ignoring direct orders from the development manager! (thats you Sally, i don't think there is another development manager is there?). I am yet to receive my vouchers in the post and it has been quite some time. I'm getting a crick in my neck from looking at the letter box!

Are the vouchers on there way? I'm getting mighty peckish!

Yours in achey necks,

Hi Jerry - did the letter eventually arrive?

Sally Dickens

Hello Sally,

It is nice to hear from you. I was just wondering how you were doing? I feel we have become close over the past few weeks!

Thank you for your kind email. I have received the letter, and boy, can i tell you i'm glad. I thought i was going to pass away from hunger!

Now i have to just figure out a way to get to your fine franchise in Wellington , it is quite a way from my home you know! Maybe i'll ride my bicycle there. That should work up quite the appetite!



Glad it came – where do you live?

Sally Dickens
Development Manager
Subway Development

Hello Sally,

Your respnse is as prompt as always! I live in Clundonberry , not far from Wellington by car, but i don't drive (i'm scared of engines), so i tend to ride my pedal horse most places.

I'm going to have some tired old legs by the time i reach the hallowed shores of the Wellington branch. I hope i don't have a heart attack!


Good luck with that!

You could always try it in the Clundonberry store – but I doubt they would take it as they are different franchisees.


Sally Dickens
Development Manager
Subway Development


Good evening Sally!

I was just sitting at home thinking to myself how lucky we all are to have Subways in this world, when you suddenly popped into my mind! I thought to myself, "how rude! you haven't spoken to Sally in months, you should find out how she is!".

So Sally, how are you? I hope you are well and that subway is treating you aswell as you treat your customers. Perhaps you should allow yourself to a subway soon, it must be a hungry task batting off all of the compliments you and your company must receive.

Perhaps we could have a subway together one day? There is a particularly good valentines offer on at the moment!!

all of my favourite wishes!


Good evening!

Thanks for the lovely email, but I am now engaged and my fiancĂ©e gives me all the Subway’s I need! Hope you’re well.


Sally Dickens

Development Manager
Subway Development

Ahoy Sally!

Congratulations are in order! I am pleased to hear of your good news. It couldn't happen to a nicer development manager. I'm sure it will be a lovely wedding. I trust the catering company will be subways? it would be foolish not to.

In fact, perhaps you could have a subway themed wedding. Instead of confetti, people could throw Jalepeno's (providing a risk assessment is done). Your dress could be made out of the little wrappers they come in, and your rings could be hollowed out gherkins.

I'd happily organize this for you, i have a hundred other ideas.

Yours in congratulatory merriment,



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